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Abbotts Bridge and Bicycle Adventures

Chattahoochee River – Abbotts Bridge photos on Flickr

I checked the temperature outside: 35° C (95° F). That’s pretty hot, but not hot enough to deter me from the evening’s adventures I had planned. My philosophy is that time spent outdoors is never wasted, and while high temperatures keep most people indoors, as long as I’m either moving or in the shade, I don’t mind the heat at all.

So I went, and I rue it not a bit. First I rode my bicycle to the library, and was very pleased to discover that there was sidewalk all the way (I prefer the safety of the sidewalk as long as there’s no people in the way). Also, the way was almost scenic. A portion of my route took me along Main Street, and while it may have been busier back in the day, now that there’s a highway that runs parallel to it, it’s almost like a peaceful country road. I didn’t stay long at the library, only to grab a Korean dictionary that I had requested. My next stop was a unit of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. The river flows around the town, and this park has a nice little trail that I enjoy very much when I go. I took some pictures, which you can view above. After that I went home, not at all overheated, and much exhilarated from my biking adventure. I should definitely do this more often!

In other news, God is great, and so is life! I got to preach Sunday morning; it was very well received and I hope there was lots of learning going on. Work is going fabulously, and I’m glad to say that I love my work! There’s some exciting things going on at Truth For The World, and I’ll keep you posted on here as those things shape up.

This weekend I’m headed to Tennessee for some friends’ wedding, and while I’m not a big fan of weddings, at least there’s usually cake. Actually, these are really great friends, and I’m so happy for them. Plus, I’m actually in their wedding, which is a first for me! ‘Tis an honour, to be sure, but besides that I’m not sure what I think about it.

¡Sigamos adelante!

Birdie’s Pet

From Ailenroc’s Book, by Cornelia Alexander

Quietness reigned in the town of C——. The hum of busy everyday life was hushed in the streets, while the closed doors and the sound of church bells proclaimed to the traveler that it was the Lord’s day. Even the green parrot which hung in its gay cage over Jim Carter’s door seemed subdued by the sweet stillness of the morning, and held its tongue where it belonged—in its head.

I said the doors were closed. They were, all but one, and that was where the parrot hung. “Bar” was written over it in big letters, and there was a tall green screen standing just inside to hide the thirsty caller from the passers-by.

“But,” says one, “the law of the land does not allow whisky shops open on Sunday.” But the law only imposes a fine, you see, for so doing; and Jim Carter didn’t care for fines.

“I makes it up in the long run, he said, winking his one eye. “Bless you, Sunday is as good a day as any! I buys my liquors, and sells when I gets ready. I pays my fines, and it’s nobody’s business. Old Jim and the law has a tussle occasionally; but what of it? I does as I pleases.”

On this particular morning he sat sunning himself, like a great, big, bloated spider at the door of his den, and, as usual, a crowd of loafers had collected to keep him company.

“The new parson holds forth to-day, I suppose,” said Joe Bently, a young limb of the law, whose shaky hands and watery eyes proclaimed his habits. He did not add that he had fled from home by the way of a back window, fearing that his pious widowed mother would ask his company to the house of God.

“Yes,” drawled old Jim, “and I thought you’d a-been there; but ‘birds of a feather,’ you know,” he added, with a wink of his eye, giving Joe, at the same time, a dig in the ribs. Read More

Photos from Séroule Park

When I went to Europe, one of my fears was isolation from the natural world. And while it did turn out that I was surrounded by civilisation and buildings nearly all the time, it was not long before I found a place of solace and retreat in the busy city of Verviers.

Séroule Park was twelve minutes walking distance away from the building where I was staying. It isn’t anything spectacular, but it contains a small forest and a pond, as well as a nice network of short trails on which to wander. Here are some pictures of this special place.

Hymn of the Week – The Gospel Is for All

Poetry by John McCaleb (1921)
Music arranged by Rigdon McIntosh
CyberHymnal entry

Of one the Lord has made the race,
Through one has come the fall;
Where sin has gone must go His grace;
The gospel is for all.

The blessèd gospel is for all,
The gospel is for all;
Where sin has gone must go His grace:
The gospel is for all.

Say not the heathen are at home,
Beyond we have no call,
For why should we be blest alone?
The gospel is for all.

Received ye freely, freely give,
From every land they call;
Unless they hear, they cannot live:
The gospel is for all.