As you look at a very intricately designed computer, does it ever occur to you that through millions of years, simple electric circuits evolved into flashlights, and those simple flashlights over billions of years evolved into simple calculators, and those in turn changed and eventually over billions of years’ time evolved into the computer you see today? Sound ridiculous? Read the next story!
As you look at the intricately designed people who are equipped with intelligence like no animal, does it ever occur to you that through millions of years, simple one-cell creatures evolved into fish, and those fish over billions of years evolved into reptiles, and those in turn changed and eventually over billions of years’ time evolved into the people you see today?
These stories are equally ridiculous. Who ever heard of a flashlight turning into a calculator, or a fish turning into a reptile?
The nature around us is clearly designed. Intricate systems of nature could not just happen through long periods of “natural selection.” Just ask a scientist how many spiders he’s made, and you’ll definitely hear that he has made none. If we can’t make spiders, what makes people think that these intricate little spiders with their tiny legs just happened?
Here is another silly story:
Breaking NEWS! Tornado sweeps through salvage yard and leaves behind a shiny red Cadillac! This past Thursday, after the devastating tornado, John Doe, owner of John’s Auto Salvage, was startled to find a brand new Cadillac sitting in his salvage yard, right where he remembered seeing a pile of old junk cars the day before.
Hey! If humans can come into being after billions of years of chance evolution, why can’t tornadoes make cars?
Cadillacs (and ourselves) are designed. There’s no doubt about it in the car world, ask anyone where their car came from, and they’ll tell you it came from a factory, not a tornado. If we ourselves are more intricately designed than a car, how could we just happen? If there is a design, there must also be a designer. Car designers design cars, God designed people. We aren’t just animals! God made us in His image!!
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Apologetics Press: The Intelligent Design Movement