From Ailenroc鈥檚 Book, by Cornelia Alexander
When memory, by her magic wand,
Brings back the scenes of bygone years,
How sad the pleasure, sweet the pain,
To gaze on them with smiles and tears!
Round one sweet spot I linger long,
None other can its station fill,
鈥楳id all the shifting scenes of life,
My childhood鈥檚 home鈥擨 love it still.
There brightly shone the summer sun,
And gently sighed the summer breeze;
While birds sung gayly all day long
In the o鈥檈rhanging trees.
A thousand flowers perfumed the wind
That swept around that hallowed hill.
Yes, 鈥榤id the shifting scenes of life,
Sweet childhood鈥檚 home鈥擨 love it still.
But love鈥檚 soft whisper on my ear
Soon fell, and O, so strangely sweet
The whisper grew, until it won
My heart, and led my willing feet
Another home and other loves
My life and heart and hands now fill;
Yet backward, backward flies the mind.
Dear childhood鈥檚 home鈥擨 love it still.