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Hymn of the Week – Par la Foi

A. Humbert, 1907

Lorsque je mets en toi Dieu, une pleine confiance
Jamais je ne tomberai, complète est ma délivrance !

Par la foi nous marcherons,
Par la foi nous triomphons,
Par la foi mon Rédempteur
Me rendra plus que vainqueur !

Dans les jours d’adversité, quand je sens gronder l’orage
Je suis en sécurité, tu me donnes bien du courage !

Quand Satan veut me troubler, enlever mon espérance,
Mon passé me reprocher, tu me donnes ton assurance !

Par la foi je marcherai, en comptant sur tes promesses,
Par toi je triompherai, en tout temps de mes détresses !

Translation: Read More


Today’s Hymn of the Week is in French, although because I don’t have a songbook, I am only giving you the chorus of the song, which I remember.

Rappelle-moi Gethsémané
Rappelle-moi qu’a abandonné
Pour mes offenses condamné
Rappelle-moi, rappelle.

I can’t yet give a proper translation, but the sense is mainly the same as the English original, “Lest I forget Gethsemane…lead me to Calvary.”

I love singing in French!

Language Mission: Français

In anticipation of my upcoming three months in Europe, I have been familiarizing myself with the French language, since most of my time there will be spent in Wallonia, the French-speaking portion of Belgium. Unfortunately I haven’t had as much time to devote to it this summer as I had hoped, but I have been working on it a little bit. And just of late I have become inspired by Benny Lewis the Irish Polyglot, who has achieved fluency in a number of European languages in just the past few years.

His site is called “Fluent in Three Months,” but really what he advocates is simply getting out there and speaking a language in order to become fluent, which he believes can lead to that goal of fluency much more quickly than other methods (perhaps even in three months!). Personally, I agree. No amount of study in a language will get you to fluency–as much as this will help, eventually you’re just going to have to get out of your comfort zone and start talking to natives. Read More