In an effort to tidy up my web presence a bit, I have decided to take the most drastic step of getting rid of Blogger and switching to WordPress. Nothing against Google, it’s just that I was tired of the boring template and all the formatting trouble it was giving me.
Having said that, I now officially welcome you to my new weblog, christened Ziphen Central. The history behind the name “Ziphen” goes back to my early years in homeschool, when I did a certain assignment which required me to create a menu for a fictional restaurant (a very interesting activity, to be sure). Being the creative person that I am, I couldn’t settle for just an ordinary name, so I came up with the imaginative name Ziphen’s Restaurant. A few years later, I liked the name so much that I gave it to my room, which was, for a time, the capital of the Republic of Niwic. Because I still like the name, and because it is the name of a very special place, I cannot think of a better name for my blog.
In closing, I hope you will continue reading my blog, though it is now in a different location, and please update your bookmark if necessary. I hope to someday make my own theme for this blog, but a Marscape will have to do for now. And, if you ever want to go back and look at BenjaBlog, it will still be there for those who want to search the archives.