During the summer of 2010, there was a bullfrog living in our stock tank, the largest we had ever seen on our property (in Parker County, Texas):
Category: herpetology
Miscellaneous Photos
A bat on the side of the Old Main building at Freed-Hardeman University
Following two photos: Fossilized dinosaur tracks at Dinosaur Valley State Park, Glen Rose, Texas.
Watch your tail!
Ziphen Central – Seeking Wisdom and Sublimity
We found this fine and unusually large specimen of a Mediterranean gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) in our attic yesterday. Unfortunately, as I was releasing him our cat Gator suddenly appeared and pursued the poor lizard, chasing him through a fence. He made it out with his life, but the cat got ahold of his elegant tail, which she proceeded to eat. I know geckos are made to release their tails to distract predators, but I felt sorry for him all the same. But he will grow another one eventually, though perhaps not as perfect as the first.