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The "Big Bang"

Going back before evolution started, evolutionists have a theory about how the entire universe expanded. It does not, however, tell us how it began. This theory is called the “Big Bang.”

What was there before the Bang?

The Big Bang cannot explain the origin of the universe. It only explains how a very small universe exploded into the huge universe we see today. It does not tell us where the small universe came from!

Why not a black hole instead?

With the “cosmic egg” compressed as it would be according to the Big Bang theory, it would have probably produced a black hole, not a very big universe. Why didn’t the ylem turn into a black hole?

Redshift and Expansion Problems

There is something called the “Doppler Effect.” It is basically a way that astronomers can tell which way galaxies are going, by finding out which side of the colour spectrum the galaxy’s light is shifted to. For example, if the light emitted from a galaxy is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum, the galaxy is thought to be moving away. If it is shifted more to the blue end of the spectrum, it is supposed to be moving toward you.

The Big Bang theory predicts that galaxies should have redshifts, since all matter in the universe was supposed to have exploded at one point. Most do, yet a very few have blueshifts. Although this may not seem so at first, this contradicts the Big Bang theory. It predicts that all galaxies should have redshifts.

Also, groups of connected galaxies and quasars have been observed. They were clearly connected, yet they had different redshifts. Apparently the Doppler Effect is in error, because if it wasn’t, it would mean that the galaxies and quasars were moving at different speeds, which would be impossible since they’re connected. The redshifts and expansion of the universe are pillars under the Big Bang theory, which, when taken away, cause it to fall!

Dark Energy & Matter

Evolutionary cosmologists have stated that the universe consists of 73% dark energy, 23% cold dark matter, and 4% atoms. What is this “cold dark matter” and “dark energy”? Basically, it isn’t. However, it is essential in order for the Big Bang to have occurred. They say that cold dark matter [cold because it can’t interact with other matter (except gravitationally) and dark because it doesn’t emit any detectable radiation, and therefore can’t be seen] is what holds the universe together. Guess what! They haven’t seen it! Thus far, cold dark matter (and dark energy) have been elusive, and still, no evidence for their existence has been found! There goes another pillar under the Big Bang theory.

Dig Deeper!

The Big Bang Theory–a Scientific Critique

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